So I have a functional condition. Where can I find treatment?

Many of you who have read my book have now a pretty good understanding about what your functional symptoms are, what brought them about and why standard medical treatment won't help.

But it is sometimes difficult to find anyone who can help you find the right treatment.

So, now we will look into what you can do to build your dream team, to help you on your way to recovery.

I do recommend that you try to find a GP to work with. Book a long appointment and be prepared to build a relationship that works for you.

You may need to be specific about what you are after. You would have noticed that recovery requires a commitment on your part to address diet, lifestyle and a variety of therapies which you might trial.

It would be great if they were familiar with the approach to treatment that I outline in Part 3 of my book.

The GP’s first task is to ensure that physical diagnoses have been ruled out. This means you can both work together without the worry that something has been missed.

Having clarified the functional diagnosis, you may recall from the Six Steps that we covered July: you need now to turn away from the symptom and towards identifying and minimising the causes.

This can be easy or may take years.

This may be difficult as they won't be clear initially. (If they were, you could probably resolve the symptom quickly .)

This is where you start to build your dream team, working with whoever you recognise can work to achieve and maintain your Restorative Mode and help you reprogram your body stress systems.

The stories of my patients who have worked to overcome their symptoms is a source of inspiration for many who read my book. For example, Maree’s wonderful advice on how to “float through the dips” is very helpful to counter the panic and stress many feel when they have a relapse. This and many more tips will help you on your way.

I also have included in the back of my book a number of resources that you might find useful.

All the best on your road to recovery.


‘My symptoms are so real, how can you say that they are only functional?’


Do other doctors agree with what I wrote in my book?