Do other doctors agree with what I wrote in my book?

You may be wondering if my description of what functional symptoms are is how other doctors understand them. And, if so, why haven't you been told before? So, I have been showing my book to leaders in the field of functional conditions around the world and have been getting a positive response, which is important to share with you.

My colleagues have said that, yes, the way I have explained functional symptoms is consistent with their research. And yes, there is a LOT of research that I read before writing.

For example, Professor Peter Henningsen, from the Department of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy at the University Hospital in Munich said my book “is very easy to read. I think that you have succeeded in a difficult task: bringing across to “lay people” the rather complex story of functional symptoms and disorders in a very engaging und understandable way. If this book is not a success I don’t know what can be in this field. “

Professor Henningsen is a leading figure in Germany and has be studying functional conditions for decades and so his positive comments mean a lot to me. I’m very grateful for the support he has shown over the years.


So I have a functional condition. Where can I find treatment?


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